Home Marketing 14 Tips For Bloggers That Will Generate More Traffic For Website

14 Tips For Bloggers That Will Generate More Traffic For Website


If you have clicked on this headline and reached this article, then it is quite clear that you own a blog or a business (or both!), and you most definitely want to create a larger impression in the digital work with your content and your blog posts so that the same can translate into greater traffic  and better conversion rates.

The good news is that there are several ways to get this done without fretting about complex steps. You can follow these 14 simple steps to bring in more traffic for your blog and website. Here’s how:

1. Own Your Niche

Yes, this is an often repeated piece of advice that many people end up ignoring even as they look to generate more traffic for their blogs. You need to know your niche before you own it. So, what is exactly is your niche and how often do you ask yourself this question? When you are in a niche, it is not enough to be merely replicate what everyone else is saying and doing in that niche.

You need to own your niche by doing things differently and in a way that answers the most pressing questions and challenges posed by your target audience. That is the only want to generate more traffic for your blog posts.

2. Research

We cannot stress this point enough. If you want to generate more traffic for your blog, you need to start with each word that is being churned out by way of the blog posts, articles and even the basic website content. There needs to be a fair amount of research into headlines, keywords and trending hashtags so that you are able to write authentically and address the need of the hour for the traffic to actually give you a click and for their interest to be piqued.

3. The Headline

Your headline needs to do all the talking if you want to generate more traffic for your blog. You may have heard the term clickbait headline, but what does it really mean? Well, when you craft a clickbait headline, it basically means that you are creating a hook that can be a promise of information or a solution that would interest your target audience.

In order to create a hook, remember to use at least one keyword or a part of a long-tail keyword within your headline so that you can grab eyeballs instantly. A clickbait headline is one that would make the viewer stop scrolling and basically earn you a click that would lead the person to your blog.

4. The Introduction

When you start writing your blog post, you need to create an introduction that will help people scroll through and read the entire blog post. This is usually the first few hundred words that would be visible as soon as a person clicks and reaches your blog.

This will generate more traffic for your blog because a share, a like or a comment would be sure to come if a person actually takes the time out to read the entire blog post. So, the introduction should either be a follow up of what you have said and promised in your headline, or it should have an anecdote, or is should have quick suspense type summary of what someone can expect from the blog post.

5. The Body

When you write the blog post, you need to find a point where you resonate with what your audience is feeling. This will instantly help you generate more traffic for your blog.

You will need to create the right touchpoints and define the problems being faced by your audience which will lure them towards reading that blog post and other related blog posts as well, which will generate more traffic for your blog.

6. The Solution

Focus on the solution in order to generate more traffic for your blog. The solution must be a lead on in terms of the initial paragraphs and it should build-up to the final solution or the list of solutions. The solution must be well articulated with maximum keywords in this area of the blog post.

7. Internal Link Building

If you are serious about generating more traffic for your blog, then you must not ignore this part of SEO and SMO. You should make sure that you drop links to other articles and posts that you may have published on your blog.

To generate more traffic for your blog, this would be one of the foremost measures. It does not help in driving traffic to your other blog posts, but it also helps in building an authentic standing for you in your niche.

8. Social Media

Your audience is usually on some of the other social media feeds. So, to bring this audience to your website or blog and to generate more traffic for your blog on a consistent basis, your best bet would be to find them on social media.

You must actively maintain your social media pages and share your blog posts on these pages regularly. It is important to remember that your posts will show up in people’s notifications only when you post on a regular basis. So keep your blog and your social media pages updated.

9. Advertise

You can get yourself some Google Ads where you can pay per click. This will help you generate traffic for your website and blog, and it will also help you spread the word about what you do best in your niche.

So, if you really want to get the word out, you would have to set aside a small part of your budget to create a Google Ad Words account which can help you monitor such ads and regularly post them as well.

You can take the help of a graphic designer to create the ad of the specific dimensions with a simple message and a catchy visual. This is one of the best ways to capture the attention of your core audience.

10. Guest Blogging

Now, this is a tool that very few people use in the blogging world. You can generate traffic for your blog by using this simple tool on a regular basis. When you guest blog for someone or when someone guest blogs for you, what happens is that you end up sharing each other’s links.

This can prove to be a very valuable exercise if used well. You will have to remember to choose a high-quality blog to guest blog for, and also vice versa when you are choosing a guest blogger whom you can invite. You should remember to do plenty of research and choose someone from your niche or a related niche.

11. Interact

How do you keep people coming back to your blog? How do you generate traffic for your blog? One of the best and most effective ways of doing this is to routinely interact with your readers and your viewers. Remember to answer all the comments.

Even if you have switched off the automatic posting of comments, remember to check the comments at least once every few days and approve the ones that you think are genuine. Then, reply and start a conversation in the comments thread. This would be just as interesting to read, for the visitors and your traffic is bound to grow.

12. Your Keywords

Do not just use a few short keywords, but also do plenty of research and use at least one long-tail keyword for your blog post. This will help you generate traffic for your blog because people mainly use a phrase when they have to look for something on Google. So if your keyword has anything to do with this phrase or question, it can easily earn a good ranking on Google.

13. Relevant Content

Of course, when you have used certain keywords and especially the long tail ones, you must also remember to create relevant content that actually answers those questions and keywords within the blog post.

This will cement your standing as an authentic player in your niche and it will help you actually generate traffic for your blog in a genuine and organic way. Plus, when you create relevant solution-based content, you are also creating a long-standing relationship with that audience as they will keep coming back to your blog.

14. Email

An email marketing campaign is of the utmost importance when you are looking to generate traffic for your blog. You must keep things regular by using an email marketing service like Mail Chimp that gives you the option of using various templates to get to your database so that you can keep them updated about what is new on your blog.

This is an important exercise because it helps you stay in touch and remain in the memory of your core audience. When you send out a series of emails regularly, they actually start looking forward to seeing your name in your inbox. Remember to keep it short and snappy, though!