Home Technology 3 Steps for Improving Small Business Cyber Security

3 Steps for Improving Small Business Cyber Security


Did you know that simple human errors are responsible for 95% of security breaches? Worse yet, only a meager 5% of data folders are protected from breaches.

Don’t let these statistics discourage you. Let the facts inspire you to protect your company data, network, and operating system.

Here are three ways to optimize small business cyber security.

1. Limit Access

Does everyone in your company have access to networks, apps, remote desktops, and operating systems?

It’s time to start limiting access.

Limited access reduces the risk of human error. It also prevents cyberattacks from within the company.

Remember the former admin who effectively held the city of San Francisco’s network hostage? What about disgruntled employees who restore company operating systems to original factory settings?

Internal attacks are just as damaging as external cyber threats. Plus, they happen more often.

Most human errors aren’t intentional. Take the McAfee breach, for example. A hacker pretending to be the company’s CEO tricked an unsuspecting employee into handing over sensitive passwords.

Employees should be fully briefed on cyber security best practices before receiving network access.

2. Draft a Social Media Policy

That McAfee breach should scare any CEO. Learn from this mistake, and implement a strict social media policy for employees.

For starters, you can block social media sites on the company’s network. You can also block any chat site, chat room, or forum that allows comments. This should prevent employees from leaking any sensitive information on company time.

But what happens when you’re off the clock? How can you prevent employees from spilling the beans on the weekend?

While you can’t control how employees behave on social media during their off-time, you can implement disciplinary actions for employees who do behave irresponsibly online.

You could state that tweeting any inflammatory statements about the company could result in disciplinary actions. Any statements that harm a protected class could also result in termination.

Most errors are unintentional. Use your policy as an opportunity to teach employees about safe social media practices.

Prohibit employees from sharing the following data on social media.

  • Company passwords
  • Client and employee data
  • Intellectual property
  • Proprietary information
  • Company finance resources

Work with a lawyer to create your policy. If your employees are unionized, you’ll need to consult with their union, as well.

3. Destroy Data and Devices

Remember that former employee who held an entire city’s system network hostage?

Implement a data and device destruction protocol to prevent such nightmares before they start.

Upon resignation or termination, your IT department should wipe all data and destroy any devices if necessary. This practice is mandatory for enterprise mobility strategies.

When you’re dealing with that much data, you need a managed IT company like this to ensure company data is handled properly from beginning to end. If you don’t use managed IT, you’ll need an experienced in-house IT specialist.

Prioritize Your Small Business Cyber Security

Is your company password still the name of your dog? Change it immediately and implement these three cybersecurity tips now.

Prioritize your small business cyber security, and check out the blog for more lifesaving hacks for business owners.

Read Also – OgyMogy App For Businesses Cyber Security: Mobile Phone Tracker