Ignoring the amount of time that you put into generating invoices can cost you in the long run. Handling paper invoices or generating digital invoices from scratch requires a lot of time. As an individual or a small business, you can not afford to waste your resources on generating invoices manually.
Although an invoice is important for getting paid for your services, you still need a reliable way to generate them.
Today, we will review the WeInvoice platform that is considered the best website to generate Invoices online. We will discuss why the WeInvoice invoice templates are popular and how you can save your time and efforts with its services.
What is WeInvoice? How does it work?
Weinvoice is an advanced invoicing solution for small businesses and freelancers. This tool automates your invoicing operations with some customizable invoice templates. You can generate any type of invoice by just selecting a template and entering the information using its editor.
WeInvoice is recommended for freelancers, B2B & B2C suppliers, and other small businesses. You can simply generate an invoice using its templates and save the business information to schedule invoices without having to manage them manually.
It offers mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices for your convenience. It means you can generate an invoice whenever or wherever you want. The platform works with some customized templates so that users can generate invoices quickly.
Features of WeInvoice
We tried WeInvoice services to create a few templates. Here are the features we found to be useful for beginners in generating invoices.
Customizable Templates
The best thing about the platform is its customizable templates that give you the freedom to generate any invoice without putting in a lot of time. You can find hundreds of templates designed for different purposes. All these templates are categorized so that you can find suitable ones.
Mobile Applications
WeInvoice is a web-based solution to provide invoicing services. However, you can download its mobile application to stay connected with this platform. You can simply log in to your account and create an invoice whenever you want. Mobile applications are available for Android and iPhone devices.
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Multiple Languages
The platform supports multiple languages that help in generating invoices for overseas clients and customers. We tried this feature and found an easy translator that can translate your invoice into any language you want. This feature can save you a lot of time and will also help in creating better business relations with your customers.
Real-Time Estimates
While adding items and other entries to the invoice, you can check the real-time estimate of the invoice. It gives you an idea of the final amount of the invoice. Also, you can check the amount to make sure you added every item on the invoice.
Who Should Use This Invoice Generator?
Everyone has different invoicing requirements and needs different solutions to meet them. After using WeInvoice, we recommend this application for those who want a simple, affordable, and reliable invoicing solution for their business. The platform has all the features that a small business or an individual requires.
For large businesses, the platform offers customizable plans that meet their requirements.
After browsing the templates, we found that there are all types of invoices that you will ever require to receive payment from your clients. All these templates are categorized based on the services you deal in.
Therefore, it qualifies as a perfect invoicing solution for small and large businesses.
What is the File Format of the Final Invoice?
Users enjoy the freedom of saving the invoice in PDF, Excel, Word, and Google Docs file format. After generating the invoice, it will ask you to choose the file format. You can decide what suits best for sharing and choose it accordingly.
Most businesses use PDF invoices as they are easy to read and look professional. That is why WeInvoice generates PDF invoices by default. However, you can easily change it while downloading the file to your device.
Final Verdict
WeInvoice is a proper invoicing solution for businesses with different invoicing needs. After going through its services, we conclude that it is one of the most reliable platforms to automate your business invoicing. The templates are impressive. Anyone can use these templates without having to hire someone to generate these invoices.
Overall, it is a must-have application for small businesses and freelancers.
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