
Law is an extremely complex field that has many branches, criminal, corporate, traffic and family law are all part and parcel of our society. When you hear the term ‘family law’ you instantly think of divorce and separation, yet there are many other aspects of family law that a legal firm would cover.

Here are some examples;

  • Pre-Nuptial Agreements – Often a couple that wishes to enter into a relationship prefer to draw up an agreement regarding their assets and what would happen if the relationship were to end. This is popular with those who are looking at their second or third marriage; most have acquired significant assets and wish to protect their wealth. How does it work? You sit down with your partner and decide what are personal assets and what is shared. Once both parties are happy with this, a legally binding agreement is drawn up by the family law attorney in Orange County and it is presented to a family court (you don’t need to attend) and from that point, the agreement cannot be changed by either party.


  • Child Support – If you are having trouble raising your child and your ex is not helping with this, a family lawyer can start proceedings to force your ex-partner to contribute financially. It is common for the parents to disagree regarding child support and custody and if a mutual agreement cannot be reached, the matter goes in front of the Family Court. Here is an article about how social media can help with marketing.


  • Domestic Violence – It is a sad reflection of the current troubling times that domestic violence is on the rise and when you have an abusive partner, the best thing to do is seek legal protection. There are times when you need a fast response and a family lawyer would give you their cell number, which you can call at any time day or night.


  • Paternity – There might be an old flame who insists you are the father of her child and there’s only one way to determine paternity; tests can be carried out to resolve the issue and whether you are looking for proof of parenthood or are saying you are not the father, a family lawyer can set the ball in motion to settle the matter with DNA testing.


  • Will Disputes –When a wealthy person passes, there may be family members who are less than happy when the Last Will & Testament is revealed and if you feel that you were promised an asset that was not mentioned in a will, you might be able to contest the will.

The family lawyer can listen to your story and after reviewing any evidence, they would offer you an appraisal: either you have a strong case, or you don’t. A letter from the deceased, for example, informing you that the Mercedes will be yours one day could be enough to overturn a will. Some people die without making a will and this leads to inheritance disputes among family members; reason enough to make sure your affairs are in order with a legally binding will.

We all need the services of a family lawyer at some point in our lives and a Google search will help you locate an Orange County family law attorney.