social media

Using social media effectively in branding? In the current digital age, in addition to the dizzying appearance of many technology devices, the market is constantly changing with the prosperity and collapse of many brands. Why are there such changes?

The rise of Social Media Marketing (Marketing through social networks) has changed the market 180 degrees every day, every hour. Many big brands have to quietly give way to potential juniors and many brands seem to be small but are game-changers in the 89th minute. It can be seen that social media is not just a personal communication channel. However, it is also a powerful assistant of all brands.

With this article, Vu Digital will show you the influence and the close relationship that Social Media Marketing contributes to. Let’s forward to it!

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing (Social Media Marketing) is a form of using social networking channels to carry out communication activities to increase brand awareness among customers and promote products or services. brand service.

Platforms (platforms) used the most by the brand include: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Behance … It is not necessary to have all of the above platforms, but depending on the brand strategy will have needs to use different platforms.

In the era of 4.0, we are clearly aware of the intimate influence of the Internet on daily life. We update our politics by searching Google, not the paper. Even, shopping is also gradually transferred from offline (directly) to online (online social networks).

So, whether in the process of building brand awareness or developing the brand, communication through social networks is also essential for branding strategy. It shows that businesses always keep up with the times, acquire a new knowledge base, and always change in accordance with the needs of customers. Ignoring social media means you have lost countless benefits and lost your position in the competitive marketplace.

What are the benefits of social networking in branding?

1. Attract quickly – neatly – quickly to target customers

Social Media Marketing is a part of Digital Marketing, which includes digital media activities on the Internet. Therefore, Social Media Marketing inherits the fastest communication speed of Digital Marketing. At the same time, it allows consumers to interact directly with each other (feedback, online review), increasing the trust level of potential audiences, and indirectly stimulating the need to experience their products.

2. Increase brand awareness

Social Media Marketing is gradually becoming the most popular communication method because of its wide coverage to all audiences. Popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram have their own algorithms to give suggestions that best match the needs of customers through search history, chat, conversation…. Brands have the opportunity to appear with a dense frequency on the Internet, providing a certain recognition, meeting the brand strategy, and reminding customers about the products and services they offer.

Read More :How to generate leads using Social Media for your business

3. Easy to find, research markets and competitors

The interactive features such as: like, share, comment … on social networks help businesses easily measure their communication performance. In addition, through the numbers that are updated continuously every hour, the brand observes the movement of the market, catches the trend, and comes up with the most suitable tactics.

How to make social media to its fullest potential and to properly implement the brand’s strategy?

1. Sticking to brand strategy

Before implementing Social Media Marketing, the most important thing you should pay attention to is: Is it consistent with the message of the brand strategy?

Social Media Marketing is a form of brand communication so it is imperative that it meets the brand’s requirements, conveys the message, and addresses the brand’s purpose set out. All used content, images, social networking sites, … all show the consistency, how customers can quickly identify the brand among thousands of information on the Internet every day.

2. Research and find directions

Grasping the trend of Generation Z (living on the Internet), most brands do very well communicating on social networks. They dominate from posting content and images to large campaigns. So how does your branding strategy stand out among the big guys like this?  

  • Who is the brand target audience?
  • What social networking sites are they using?
  • What is the cross-cutting message you want to convey to this audience?

Is the purpose of Social Media Marketing to sell, promote the brand, or just to build a community for the brand?

Regardless of the answer, the brand still has to ensure that the messages conveyed are positive, impactful to the audience, true, and distinct enough.

3. Plan your content

Don’t think that content on social media only costs a few lines, so just drafting it a day before airing is fine. Because all content posted to media is a tactic in the brand strategy. Each social media post must contain a certain message, which must be part of the big brand message.

For example, to inspire sports enthusiasts with the #JustDoIt message, Nike posted on its Facebook page the story of Rafael Nadal (the greatest tennis player of all time), Rob. Gronkowski – Gronk (English rugby player) …

Content on social networks can be flexible, using a variety of genres to bring new feelings, full of emotions to customers. Ideally, content creators should plan on a monthly or yearly basis so that the integrity of the branding strategy is guaranteed.

4. Build a topic in terms of images

In addition to the topic of content, the unification of images also helps customers to be more impressed with the brand. Synchronize colors, change topics by month, event, … find a suitable topic for images to communicate more effectively in many ways.

5. Follow and interact

Social media is the only place that meets the needs of two-way interactions: customers to businesses and vice versa. Also because of this feature, social networks are preferred over the brand strategy, because they can track the customer reaction in the most honest way.

In social networks, a brand is like a person, having a voice, a community, an image, a content…. Brands freely interact, chat with customers, dialogue like friends.

Customer confidence is formed according to the brand communication process. Not only cheering for gifts and promotions but be sincere with them even in daily feedback, Even when there is negative feedback about the brand, those customers are willing to stand by you, authenticate and protect the brand image that they are attached to.

6. Communication performance measurement

If in traditional marketing, businesses have difficulty retrieving data, this is completely easy with Social Media Marketing. From the rate of likes, tracking, the number of direct interactions on the content to the number of visits to the website, the cost of advertising, all are statistically detailed so that businesses have the best overview of how. communication mode, from which to give appropriate solutions.

It can be seen that Social Media Marketing is like the key to opening the brand closer to customers, creating new ways in the branding strategy, eliminating the marketing path as perceived by customers.


Social Media Marketing (social media marketing) is the trend of the digital age today. No one can deny its importance to brand development. And no brand strategy can ignore social media if they want to elevate their brand’s position in the market.

A strong brand is one that knows how to control the game. To do that, there is no other way you have to be proficient in all means of communication, especially Social Media Marketing (communication through social networks).