Hosting a webinar comes with two options, either you do it live or have it recorded for your audience later. A pre-recorded webinar is what you call an automated webinar. It’s not actually live when attendees see it, which means you can continue running it whenever.
Before you decide whether you should “go live” or opt for webinar automation, take a look at these pros and cons.
The Pros
1. You can set it up to be viewed 24/7.
Hosting live webinars takes a lot of time, especially since you have to be in front of the camera until it’s done. But with automated webinars, you don’t have to host a live webinar over and over since it’s recorded, and you can play it anytime and as often as you want.
There may be people interested in attending your webinar but can’t due to a conflict of schedule. This is especially true for those located in other countries with different time zones from you. Through webinar automation, you never have to lose participants again because of the time difference.
2. You can take all the time you need to produce the perfect webinar.
Most people fear that they’ll screw up during a live event. While it’s true that nobody’s perfect, you don’t want your business to be represented poorly just because you could not deliver a good presentation in real-time. This can make you appear amateur, especially if your competitors are doing better with their presentation.
By going automated, you can take your time creating the best webinar automation presentation. You can edit and make changes to your videos until you’re satisfied with the results.
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3. You can create automated income and increase sales funnels.
Webinars aren’t just standalone solutions, you can use them as a recurring source of revenue. Just because your webinar is automated doesn’t mean you have to charge less. As long as you’re delivering valuable content to participants, you can charge a reasonable fee. However, it’s best, to be honest with your audience about automated presentations.
When on the hunt for potential customers, webinar automation is also a useful method to move these people further in the sales funnel until you make a sale. Take note that making your prospects wait until your next presentation runs the risk of losing them.
Don’t limit yourself to how much content you can create.
In time, you’ll get better at making recorded or webinar automation, especially with good webinar software. Then it’ll become easier for you to launch a new presentation whenever you want. Don’t let your existing library limit how much content you produce going forward, and make as much valuable content as you can.
The Cons
1. You can’t have a high level of interaction.
A significant drawback of hosting an automated webinar is that you can’t have the same interaction level as a live webinar. This is because there’s no way for your audience to ask questions while a recorded webinar is running. However, if you use webinar software like StealthSeminar, your attendees can chat with you live using the chat box found below the webinar player.
As a host, you can see the chat box inside your live console. When a participant sends you a message or questions, it will display in your chat box right away, and your answer will be received by the participant immediately as well. If you’re not around, messages from your participants will be saved automatically in the chat manager so you can answer them later.
2. You have to avoid referencing time-sensitive events.
Even if you’re in a dynamic industry, you have to stay away from referencing time-sensitive events when automating or recording webinars. Otherwise, they’ll become outdated and not bring any help to your presentation.
For instance, you mentioned a particular law or regulation that affects your industry but is revoked or modified within a month. Your automated webinar will now confuse people and make your business out-of-date.
3. Your presentation may come off as cheap in the long run.
There are many reasons why your automated webinar may come off as cheap. First, the lack of interaction or not being able to answer questions from your audience in real-time can make it appear that you’re not concerned at all. Someone who has attended live webinars may be disappointed to find that they can’t do that with yours.
Second, having access to a webinar 24/7 is excellent, but it can also make it look less valuable. Sadly, most people associate exclusivity with value, so being able to watch your webinar whenever they want can hurt your chances of making a good impression.
Use the Best of Both Worlds
Why not create a webinar that benefits from both versions? Do live webinars, then take the recordings and automate them. This is convenient for those who can’t attend when you host a live webinar.
To ensure that you continue to leverage the power of urgency, don’t keep your automated webinars running indefinitely. Depending on your market, try to leave it running for a week or so. If you have the time, try to produce new webinars regularly, as this will encourage new people to sign-up.
I am a passionate blogger and developer sharing business tips. I Help others solve programming problems on various online forums.
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